Sunday 12 December 2010

chinese games time to GO!

alrighty then so i've been set up with looking at and modeling some games that the chinese would of used and from looking at the chinese history of what they got up to when they were not just smoking opium and trading off valuable resources is that they were very cultured in the games the played , a fine example of this would have to be the game of Go , now the name go is actually the japanese name for it reason i call it by the japanese game is due to and i know what everyone will think but i learnt about this game originally from anime and it was spoken in japanese so ya da da da i learnt it like that now the chinese name for it if we are all so curious is called Weiqi
now this game is very tactical the aim of the game is to obtain the largest potion of the board then your opponent.

now whats used in the game of 'Go' (using this name cos its easy to remember and spell ^_^) are black and white stones , one opponent uses white stones and the other uses black each opponents stones are held in wooden cups , now this game was really popular and due to the popularity of the game the board and the cups , all the equipment made from a rare golden tinged kaya tree , with the very best made from the kaya trees up to 700 years old.

Monday 29 November 2010

making a door (part 2)

so this was my first attempt at creating my door so just simply using a cube polygon and extruding till i got the right shape for it over all and then from their the use of polgon spheres to make the gold bulbs that would come out of the door now i thought i had done this well, till once talking to Ollie i realised that this would not work and that the mini bulbs would have to many polygons overall so Ollie show me a way in to extrude certain parts in the door to create the bulb look.

so i created this second attempt but whilst trying to use that extrude technique that Ollie showed me , i realised it had to be done with exact measurements that became too much work so after talking to Ollie we realised the door would not be seen properly up close so we decided a basic model of the door and id try and get the golden bulbs through my uv mapping and a bump map

Making a door

so ive had to model and texture a door for the admirals room so i gathered some research that i would need for the door and also the door knob too

so i looked at this picture for the door knobs and i liked the style of them however i felt that for myself modelling that would become to complicated especially when working to a deadline so i felt i should find a more simpler style to model from

i felt this was a more simpler door knob that i could use for reference and felt that i could model those to my own ability

so ive got this picture of the door to get an over all idea of how the door should be look, with it being quite big and curved at the top along with golden bulb like bits coming out of the door.

chinese portraits

so ive been doing a portrait that would be needed for the admirals room that will be placed behind the emperors statue so ive been looking at pictures through both the internet along with a book i bought called "The printed image in china " which i got from waterstones that shows me all chinese prints from the 8th century to the 21st

This next picture was obtained from the book which i found in which it shows royalty in there own place which i found to be quite interesting how ever im still not sure upon weather i will use this for my second portrait needed.

The first image i obtained from internet and have decided upon using that for my ink wash drawing.

so heres my version of the picture above in which i kept to a simple tonal ink wash drawing , looking at it i've overall completed it but now just need to draw some chinese symbols and make sure that they have an appropriate meaning however still not sure on what im going to do for that.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Research and concept for Stairs !

right so i had to make some concepts of stairs which i personally find quite hard reason being the type of things i draw are more organic and natural so characters and like flowers because i like flowers and drawing straight lines for me is a death mission lol but any who it had to be done so i firstly had to find some images of like stairs and sorta make it look chinese now for this i got the help of niko with the stairs and we came together with some ideas of what to find for the stairs and like the panels on the side of the stairs.

so these circle patterns that i found me and niko felt would be good use for our side panels of the stairs so we made some concepts based on that we felt that the patterns on the side panels of the stairs would make it very oriental looking

Monday 15 November 2010

Reference images for concept

So heres some of the art work that i used to create some of my concept designs.

i liked these dragons that i found due to the simplistic styles used to create them , from looking at these pictures i realised that to make my designs look realistic towards chinese style is that my drawings had to be fluid with alot of like curves and details but still keeping a simplistic look to it.

so below are my research for phoenix , the phoenix is always seen as much as the dragon within chinese art looking at the research i found , it seemed again that the styles used are always very fluid and always keep to one direction

Saturday 13 November 2010

Designs for the ship

Now ollie had given me some views of the ships at different angles to help with my concept designs so i was able to work on them using the screen shots of the ships as my layout.

so i continued looking at designs that would of been done on the ship looking at the front the side and the back , from the front i knew it had to have eyes on it.
when drawing designs i sort of forget until ollie had a look at it and reminded me about the eyes and from there i created some new concept work with eyes on it too.

now from looking at the back too i saw that just that the designs used were more like sculptures so meaning that they actually came out of the ship from that i thought about previous drawings i had done of dragons and came up with a few concepts upon those initial ideas for the back.

Friday 12 November 2010

Visit to the V&A

so these are some of the photos me and our group took on our lovely cooold windy trip to the V&A was alot of fun and found quite alot of images that would help out in both concept and modelling objects that would be needed for our boat

Wednesday 3 November 2010

research for the boat

so after finding out about the boat and what not , i decided on looking at the outside designs of the boat looking at what concept designs i would have to draw for the outside, while looking it up steph helped me out telling me about needing eyes on the front of the ship and showed me images of this apparently most of all the junk ships would have eyes on them due to folklore of the ship being able to bring them back to port from heavy weather and to ward off any demons that would of followed the boat. O_O eyes are definitely a useful thing wouldn't you think? lol

Thursday 28 October 2010

Junk ship

right well firstly sorry it has taken me this long to start blogging but never really been used to it and lol dont really like to but anywhoo better later then never! so heres the project for digital enviroments , im part of a six person group my self included and we decided upon making a chinese junk ship in which we would show the whole of the junk ship and all its interior , now a little info on junk ships.

so junk ships has been used in china since the 2n century AD so a very very looong time lol, they were used to transport goods all across the world as well as bring back goods from other countries, so they would take the jade they had travel to perhaps europe and trade with them for their iron.

Now the junk ship we will be modelling along with the interior has been all set up as if it was the 14th century so that was ming dynasty at that time.