Sunday, 12 December 2010

chinese games time to GO!

alrighty then so i've been set up with looking at and modeling some games that the chinese would of used and from looking at the chinese history of what they got up to when they were not just smoking opium and trading off valuable resources is that they were very cultured in the games the played , a fine example of this would have to be the game of Go , now the name go is actually the japanese name for it reason i call it by the japanese game is due to and i know what everyone will think but i learnt about this game originally from anime and it was spoken in japanese so ya da da da i learnt it like that now the chinese name for it if we are all so curious is called Weiqi
now this game is very tactical the aim of the game is to obtain the largest potion of the board then your opponent.

now whats used in the game of 'Go' (using this name cos its easy to remember and spell ^_^) are black and white stones , one opponent uses white stones and the other uses black each opponents stones are held in wooden cups , now this game was really popular and due to the popularity of the game the board and the cups , all the equipment made from a rare golden tinged kaya tree , with the very best made from the kaya trees up to 700 years old.